Know your history: Understanding Racism In The US|Black History| From Al Jazeera

Know your history: Understanding racism in the US

“And then you might understand how the death of Michael Brown became a tipping point in the US.”

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An African American woman yells ‘Freedom’ when asked to shout so loud it will be heard all over the world at the March on Washington in August 1963 [Express Newspapers/Getty Images/File]


There will never be an acceptable explanation for what happened between Michael Brown and Darren Wilson in Ferguson but we will never fully grasp why the stage was set for such an encounter unless we know American history.

We cannot fully comprehend why Dylan Roof murdered nine parishioners at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston unless we study the Civil War and the Confederacy.

We cannot truly fathom how a minor traffic stop in Cincinnati could result in a white campus police officer blowing out the brains of an unarmed black man unless we delve into the role race has played in law enforcement from the enactment of the federal Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 to today’s mandatory minimum sentencing statutes.

Examining American history provides us with the tools to analyse how the death of Michael Brown and the demonstrations on Florrisant Avenue became a tipping point and sparked a movement. Connecting the dots between the past and the present helps us to see the origins of our current national debate – about race, police misconduct, white supremacy, white privilege, inequality, incarceration and the unfinished equal rights agenda.

The pendulum

A colour-coded map illustrates the ‘Free States,’ ‘Slave Holding States,’ and ‘Territories Open To Slavery Under The Principle Of Popular Sovereignty,’. It was published in 1898 [Getty Images]

The history of people of African descent in America – which is to say the history of America – is a pendulum of progress and setbacks, of resilience and retaliation, of protest and backlash. There have been allies and there have been opponents. There have been demagogues, who would divide Americans on the basis of colour and class, and visionaries who would seek to lead us to common ground.

Image Map

The quest for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” has been an American aspiration since the Declaration of Independence, but black Americans, Native Americans and women were not at the table in 1776. Forty of the 56 signers owned other people.

Lest there be any doubt about where the young nation’s sentiments lay, the Supreme Court’s 1857 Dred Scott decision made clear that people of African descent – whether enslaved or free – would not be considered American citizens and had no legal standing in the courts. It mattered not that some of their grandfathers had served in George Washington’s Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.

Last month in Washington, DC, at the third annual March on Washington Film Festival, Clarence B Jones, a confidant and personal legal counsel to Martin Luther King, Jr., said “a definitive discussion and description of the institution of slavery, the concomitant supporting ideology of white supremacy and the impact it has had on subsequent generations” are missing from the history curriculum of most American high schools and colleges.

Without that knowledge, he said, it is impossible to understand America today.

“Our history has never taught the centrality of race as the key barometer to how well we are doing with the American Experiment,” added Pulitzer Prize winning historian Taylor Branch that same evening. “If you don’t have race at the forefront of an investigation of how America is fulfilling its goals, then something is wrong. And unfortunately right now we are paying the price for 50 years of trying to avoid and hide that subject.”

Indeed every time we see another video – of Sandra Bland, of Freddie Gray, of Tamir Rice – we witness the horrifying evidence of our national failure to confront this legacy.

What used to be called “the Negro problem”, really is a matter of the intransigence of white supremacists who are mired in the past.

Slavery was not the benign, paternalistic system described in the history textbooks of my youth. Instead, it was a brutal, often sadistic, form of domination over the bodies and minds of people who were kidnapped, whipped, beaten and raped. Generations of human beings toiled against their will without pay or legal rights.

For 246 years – from 1619, when 20 Africans were forced into indentured servitude in Jamestown, Virginia, until the end of the Civil War in 1865 – most people of African descent in America were enslaved. Those who had purchased or otherwise been granted their freedom lived a precarious, circumscribed existence.

Slavery and the slave trade were essential to the American economy and to the development of American capitalism, especially after Native Americans were driven off their ancestral land in the Deep South in the 1830s to make way for vast cotton plantations. The wealth of the nation was inextricably dependent upon uncompensated labour, which enriched not only the planters, but universities, banks, textile mills, ship owners and insurance companies, who held policies on their bodies. To settle a debt, an owner merely needed to sell one of his slaves.

By 1850, enslaved Americans, who were listed in their owners’ inventory ledgers alongside cattle and farm equipment, were worth $1.3bn or one-fifth of the nation’s wealth. When the first shot of the Civil War was fired at Fort Sumter in April 1861, the value of that human collateral exceeded $3bn and was worth more than the nation’s banks, railroads, mills and factories combined. Now numbering four million souls, they were, as Ta-Nehisi Coates has written, America’s “greatest financial asset”.

Immediately after the Civil War, during the hopeful, but brief period of Reconstruction, black people were finally recognised as citizens with rights. But just as quickly as the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments abolished slavery, provided equal protection under the law and granted black men the right to vote, Reconstruction ended with retaliatory Redemption.

When federal troops abandoned their posts in the South after the Compromise of 1877, the defeated Confederates regrouped as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camellia. They regained control of their workforce, not by owning them, but by circumscribing their lives through terror, violence and voter suppression.

READ MORE: Reflections of a former white supremacist

In Louisiana, the number of registered black voters plummeted from 130,334 in 1896 to 5,320 in 1898. Fraudulent voting schemes pushed black elected officials from state legislatures and from Congress. During the late 19th century, there were 20 black members of Congress . When North Carolina’s George Henry White left in 1901, there would not be another until 1928, when Oscar DePriest was elected in Chicago. For virtually the first half of the 20th century the 15th Amendment had no value for blacks in the former Confederate states, where they were denied the right to vote through the cynical artifice of poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses.

Jim Crow laws and Black Codes obliterated Reconstruction wins and codified racially based discrimination. The sharecropping system, which left black farmers in debt at the end of every harvest, was equivalent to slavery. Black children were allowed to attend school only during times of the year when there were no farm chores to do. Historian Rayford Logan called the period “nadir of American race relations”.

Those who got too uppity were lynched, firebombed in their homes and chased from land they owned.

In 1915, DW Griffith’s technically groundbreaking movie, Birth of a Nation, glorified the Klan and fed the trope of black inferiority and criminality. Around the same time, a migration wave began that would eventually see more than six million black Americans flee the brutality and deprivation of the South for the relative freedom of the North and the West.

Four years later, when black soldiers returned from World War I military duty in France, they were attacked during the “Red Summer” as resentful whites instigated riots in at least 34 cities, from Chicago and Washington, DC to Memphis and Charleston. Their goal was to put men who had received France’s Croix de Guerre back in their place as the Klan had done after Reconstruction. The NAACP investigated and black newspapers editorialised. During the succeeding decades – through the Depression, the New Deal and World War II – the pendulum continued to swing between progress and setbacks.

The attitudes that informed Jim Crow laws and discriminatory public policy existed in the North as well as the South. The results are evident today in major American cities, where banks refused loans to black home buyers in the 1950s and 1960s, literally drawing on maps red lines around predominantly black neighbourhoods and ensuring that those homes would not appreciate in value at the same rate as comparable white neighbourhoods.

In 1957, when my parents were ready to finance a new home in an all-black development of newly constructed residences in a suburb of Indianapolis, they were unable to secure a loan from any of the city’s large banks. Both were college graduates and business executives. Our neighbours were doctors, teachers, coaches, plumbers, entrepreneurs, realtors, nurses, ministers, architects, insurance salesmen and carpenters. Many of the men were veterans of World War II and the Korean War and therefore eligible for the GI Bill’s home loan guaranty. In other words, people who normally would have had no trouble qualifying for mortgages. Instead, they went to Mammoth Life Insurance, a black-owned insurance company then based in Louisville, Kentucky, for their loans.

In 1954, the Supreme Court’s Brown v Board of Education decision struck down so-called separate but equal education and mandated that American schools be racially integrated. As a post-Brown v Board child, I always attended integrated schools, encountering the occasional racist, but, like my parents, rolling with the punches, keeping perspective and finding progressive kindred spirits in the process. But in many communities – both in the South and the North – the diehard segregationists responded with paranoia and bitterness, decrying the evils of race-mixing and miscegenation.

In 1957, nine students at Little Rock High School were harassed and spit upon. In 1963, Alabama governor George Wallace tried, but failed, to block the enrollment of Vivian Malone and James Hood. Across the South, federal troops were called in to facilitate the process.

For a time, it seemed that American schools might be integrated, but that pendulum soon began to move in the other direction as all-white academies opened. Today, most Americans are enlightened enough not to oppose interracial marriage and are much more tolerant than their grandparents and great-grandparents, but American public schools in most areas are more segregated than ever, as Nikole Hannah-Jones’ April 2014 ProPublica investigation of Tuscaloosa, Alabama schools so well illustrated.

Pressure from Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, thousands of activists and a powerful cadre of civil rights leaders combined with the political muscle and willingness of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations to push for critical legislation during the mid-1960s. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbade discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting and firing. Today, our workplaces are undoubtedly more diverse than they were in the 1950s, with more people of colour employed as physicians, firefighters, attorneys, journalists, investment bankers and professors. But it is still true that when a white person and a black person with comparable credentials apply for a job, the white person is more likely to be hired.

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 outlawed poll taxes and made it possible for thousands of formerly disenfranchised black Americans to vote. Now, throughout America, there are thousands of people of colour who are city council members, mayors, members of Congress, on school boards and of course, now in the White House. During the last two presidential elections, black voters turned out in record numbers because they were motivated and because many of the old obstacles to voting had been removed.

But a backlash has developed in that arena, too. Two years ago, in Shelby County v Holder, the Supreme Court gutted Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, removing the “preclearance” provisions that required states   with a history of voter discrimination to seek permission for changes to electoral procedures. Despite no evidence of significant voter fraud, Republican legislators immediately passed new voter ID laws  that groups like the Brennan Center for Justice and the Advancement Project argue will suppress voter turnout among black, Latino, elderly and young voters, who are more likely to vote for Democrats.

President Barack Obama‘s election in 2008 and re-election in 2012 provided evidence ofhow much the nation has changed in the last half a century . While arrival of the “post-racial” era was much overstated and a result of magical thinking, Americans rightly celebrated the progress on Inauguration Day 2009. The high of the moment, though, was accompanied by the rise of the Tea Party and the reminder of the strain of white supremacy that is baked into the American DNA.

Rattled by the presence of a black family in the White House, “birthers” emerged and fabricated a myth that America’s first black president – by some amazing feat of molecular transference – had been born not in Hawaii, where his mother was located at the time, but in Kenya. In this age of social media, Youtube and cable television, their illogical stories took flight, promulgated not just by the poorly educated prone to conspiracy theories, but by people who clearly knew better.

READ MORE: A photographic journey through race and racism in the US

When the past isn’t past

A man holds a Confederate flag as demonstrators, including one carrying a sign saying ‘More than 300,000 Negroes are Denied Vote in Ala’, demonstrate in front of an Indianapolis hotel where then-Alabama Governor George Wallace was staying [Bob Daugherty/AP/File]

William Faulkner famously said, “The past is not dead. It is not even past”. This is certainly true when it comes to the Civil War. Most credible scholars and historians agree that slavery was the root cause of the war, whether they focus on the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854, President Lincoln’s election in 1860 or a myriad of other events and factors. But for an adamant segment of the American population the reason for “The Late Unpleasantness” remains in dispute, 150 years after Confederate General Robert E Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse.

Five years ago, the Pew Research Center found that nearly half – 48 percent – of those polled believed “states’ rights” was the main cause of the war, compared to 38 percent who thought that it was slavery. Particularly disturbing is that 60 percent of respondents under the age of 30 selected the states’ rights option.

One suspects the current Red States/Blue States polarisation – where Republican-controlled legislatures resist federal programmes like the Affordable Care Act in the name of “states’ rights” – has seeped into the historical debate and conflated the past with the present.

There is so much to remind us that the past is neither dead, nor past.

Later this month, when five million Texas students return to school, they will be learning American history from a syllabus that equivocates about the reasons for the Civil War.

“Slavery was a side issue to the Civil War,” declared Texas State Board of Education member Pat Hardy, when the board adopted highly politicised standards in 2010. “There would be those who would say the reason for the Civil War was over slavery. No. It was over states’ rights.”

This intentionally and unapologetically ideological approach to curriculum development is akin to educational malpractice. By misinforming children, they are failing to prepare them for the very diverse world, not only that they will inherit, but in which they already live. They might as well tell them that the stork brings babies or that tooth fairies put dollars under their pillows.

In fact, the “states’ rights” that Hardy holds so dear are the states’ rights that defended segregation in the 1950s and 1960s, with complaints about “outside agitators,” Freedom Riders and other young activists who registered voters, sat at lunch counters and integrated public facilities. To the degree that states’ rights factored into causing the Civil War, it was the effort to preserve the right to continue slavery and the desire for western territories to enter the Union as states where slavery was legal. States’ rights was aboutthe planters’ prerogative to own other people rather than some highly principled constitutional debate.

When those states seceded from the union, their reasons were quite precise. Mississippi’s declaration of secession could not have been clearer, in fact: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery – the greatest material interest of the world … a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilisation.”

Texas was equally as direct: ” We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race.”

Among the popular slogans on t-shirts at Civil War battle re-enactments and Confederate flag rallies are “Know your history” and “If this shirt offends you, you need a history lesson”.

Many of the people who agree with those sentiments will say that their ancestors were in the states’ rights camp and that they didn’t own enslaved people. In truth “more than half of the Confederate officers in 1861 owned slaves,” writes historian Joseph Glatthaar, author of General Lee’s Army: From Victory to Collapse. As young army recruits, only a few of the enlisted men personally owned anyone, but more than a third of them were members of slave-owning families. And as young white men in America, they all benefitted from membership in a society which prospered from the system of slavery.

READ MORE: Racism in the US: What if your identity was a lie?

A nation of contradictions

A memorial plaque at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Addie Mae Collins and Carole Robertson were killed in a bombing at the church in 1963 [AP/File]

Because Dylan Roof displayed the Confederate Battle Flag and drew inspiration from fellow white supremacists as he planned his attack on Emanuel Church, many people have begun to re-examine their attachment to the flag. When they are honest, they must admit that the history of the Confederacy does not equal the history of the South. A flag that was resurrected in 1962 and unfurled at the University of Mississippi to oppose James Meredith’s enrollment and that was beloved by members of the Klan and the White Citizens Council is fraught with dastardly symbolism. So when someone says it is about “heritage, not hate,” it seems they have been duped or that they do not really know the actual heritage they profess to admire.

Inseparable from the ‘heritage’ that reveres family member who fought on the losing side of the Civil War, is the evil of a system and an economy that relied on slave labour for two and a half centuries, then on codified inequality for another 100 years,

“I am proud of the culture, grace and elegance of the Old South, of our heritage of courage, honour, chivalry, respect for womanhood, patriotism, and of duty to God and country,” a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans rhapsodised several years ago in an essay. “I love the Confederate Flag and ‘Dixie’ as stirring symbols of that heritage.”

Far be it from me to question another person’s affection for his ancestors. But I can’t help but note that all that “culture, grace and elegance” that occurred, no doubt, under fragrant magnolia blossoms, would not have been possible without the labour of those millions of unpaid people who worked not just from sun up to sun down, but through the night, to preserve that Disney-fied version of reality.

It would be easier to believe this symbol was unrelated to a desire for white supremacy if it weren’t so frequently sported by people who also have swastika tattoos and wear Nazi paraphernalia. And if their social media comments comments didn’t so closely correlate with hate group mentality. It would be easier to believe that this fealty for the Confederate flag was all about family pride if the provenance of its popularity were different.

Soon after General Lee surrendered, he took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and advised his compatriots to do the same.

“Lee did not want such divisive symbols following him to the grave,” wrote Jonathan Horn in the Daily Beast earlier this year. “At his funeral in 1870, flags were noticeably absent from the procession. Former Confederate soldiers marching did not don their old military uniforms, and neither did the body they buried. ‘His Confederate uniform would have been ‘treason’ perhaps!’ Lee’s daughter wrote.”

“Racial ignorance is a prison from which there is no escape because there are no doors,” Toni Morrison said at Portland State in 1975 . “And there are old, old men and old, old women who need to believe in their racism…They are in prisons of their own construction. But you must know the truth. That you are free.”

Fortunately, there also are young Americans who wish not to be associated with this ignorance. Earlier this year, before the murders in South Carolina, the University of Texas’ student government passed a resolution demanding the removal of a statue of the Confederate States of America president, Jefferson Davis. It took the massacre at Emanuel Church to finally shame the South Carolina legislature into removing the Confederate Battle Flag from the statehouse grounds, but at least that has happened. In response, there have been more than 130 pro-flag rallies, but the demonstrators look more marginalised each time they gather.

Since the election of President Obama, those who resent him have taken to talking about “traditional Americans,” by which they mean white Americans of European descent. This view reeks of old time white supremacy and a willful amnesia about the reality of American history.

Congress outlawed the importation of enslaved Africans in 1808, which means the majority of African Americans are descended from people who were here long before many European Americans – especially the large waves of Irish, German, Italian and Jewish immigrants who came between 1820 and 1920.

For all those many years, those people of African descent were planting rice, picking tobacco, baling cotton and building levees, but also starting businesses, founding churches, performing surgery and more.  At the US Capitol, where they worked as carpenters, stone masons, plasterers, painters and labourers, their owners were compensated for their work  though they were not. For as long as African Americans have been in America, they have played a role in its development. They are as “traditional” in their longevity and their worthiness as anyone else. In fact, America would not be America without them.

But when one segment of the population convinces itself that it has a more legitimate claim to being ‘American,’ it follows that they will think their lives are more valuable and more important. When they convince themselves that black and brown people are ‘takers’ rather than producers, they feel justified in disrespecting them,  incarcerating them and disenfranchising them.

When public policy is based on lies and misconceptions, a mentality emerges that “those people” are undeserving. It allows the Darren Wilsons of the world to convince themselves that they are victims. And it follows that the Michael Browns of the world not only do not matter, but are the victimisers.

We are a nation of contradictions. We continue to fight the same battles over and over, decade after decade, generation after generation without facing reality. We put band aids on lacerations and hope the cancer of racial hatred won’t recur.

Once again, we are at a pivotal moment. The pendulum is moving. It is as clear as it has ever been that what we know about our history shapes the way we think of ourselves, the way we think of our government and the way we treat our fellow Americans. What we know about history and what we know about current events shapes public policy. When we are misinformed, we make poor decisions.

We have come to this place because a generation of activists who lived through the Freedom Rides, the march on Selma and the traumas and triumphs of the Civil Rights Movement are determined that they will not have the gains they made trampled upon. When they gathered for the March on Washington anniversary on the Mall in August 2013, they wondered who the new foot soldiers would be. They know the battle has always been fought on so many fronts by lawyers and scholars, by journalists and ministers, by community organisers and teachers. But at the March on Washington Film Festival this summer, they were heartened that a generation of young activists had emerged. DeRay McKesson and Johnetta Elzie of We The Protestors. Bree Newsome who climbed the flagpole in Columbia, South Carolina. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi who founded the Black Lives Matter movement. And many, many more.

Michael Brown’s corpse on the scorching pavement on August 9, 2014 forced America to pay attention just as Emmett Till’s bloated body grabbed the nation in the summer of 1955. The shootings at Emanuel Church felt much too much like the bombing of Sixteenth Street Baptist church in Birmingham in 1963. The tanks and armoured personnel carriers on Florissant Avenue reminded us of Bull Connor’s hoses and attack dogs.  Americans of good will could no longer retreat into their comfort zones and pretend that there were not consequences for us all.

Michael Brown and all the others who died before him and who have died since made it impossible for us to look away. And that has changed everything.

A’Lelia Bundles is a former network television news producer and executive. She is the author of On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C. J. Walker, a biography of her great-great-grandmother.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial policy. 

This article first appeared in a special edition of the Al Jazeera Magazine exploring race in the US. Download it for iPads and iPhones  here , and for Android devices  here .

Source: Al Jazeera

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After Trayvon And Into The future

I am a man, I have the right to bear arms and defend my Castle and I can stand my ground if I am threatened away from that domain and I will kill without a conscious if necessary. What about that do we not understand, it is time out for marching and singing. We as men and women have to be responsible for our lives and those loves that are dependent on us. Stop buying bling and $1000 hand bags and buy a good handgun also get your license to carry a gun. This is Texas everybody packing except you, I know you are a law abiding citizen and the Lord will take care of you. Well the Lord gave you a brain such that you can reason, would you walk into a hornet’s nest and wait for the Lord to save you, well i say not unless you are Daniel or Moses. Tea Baggers keep talking about the government gonna take our gun, hell that is code talk for get armed and you had better do the same damn thing. I am not preaching war, I love all men and women that come in peace, but I will sleep the first MF that is out of line and intends to bring harm to me or mine.

I read an article today where Zimmerman and his lawyers were scared, well they have a right to be scared and I am not talking Salman Rushdie scurd either, I am talking war zone scurd. There are some mad MF out there that definitely are not thinking about the court system making this thing right, that are about vigilante justice. So yes, be scurd, I am not saying be bitch scurd, of course we all know Zimmerman has already mastered that. I am saying there is a thing called Kevlar and he better become very acquainted with it. Some say why he need to be on guard, the African American is a passive group, when things go bad for them they march and sing. I am saying the natives are restless and so damn angry and frustrated they are killing each other.

I was born in a time of turmoil in America, but we as a whole came thru a matter of fact things were pretty peaceful for the majority of the days of my life in East Texas. There were no major riots, no water hoses or dogs turned on the citizens by the police, none of that. but let it be known there was no secret that the better things of life were set aside for that part of the population that were not darker than blue. Everyone knew that with education the race would advance and the country as a whole would be all the better for it. things went along pretty good until 2008 then Barack Obama became President and that old BS came out the jar again. My advice is to put that racism and hatred back into that jar and slam the door on Pandora’s Box because the lid has only been cracked and nothing good has come out of it yet.

Many wonder what is all the uproar about. What is it They want now. Well, if you do not know, you have been walking under a veil of false security and I know that is not the case or you would wonder into those areas you know to stay the hell out of. Yes, I am talking about those seedy areas, those areas that make even the brave me, lock my doors and make sure the heat is within reach while the car is still rolling. Do not act like you don’t know, you know that area where you try to make your domicile as far as possible away from. This area is not a race it is a culture and that culture is fed by a society in total denial, that endures that this underbelly remains a permanent part of life as we know it. How you might say, well as long as there is inadequate schooling, and disproportionate dispersal of good and service including jobs, this underbelly swells like a pregnant roach and gives birth to more and more of the same populous.

There is a murmur in the air of what President Obama should do, what he has done or has not done for the African American Community. Hold UP! What the hell have you done?! Don’t, you think that if there are more jobs across America there will be more jobs for every citizen that has prepared his or herself for that opportunity. Sitting on your ass complaining, with your damn pants sagging below your ass is not gonna get your ass anywhere. Who the hell you think is going to hire you, looking like a fool and thinking you cool, while talking in a language that is incomprehensible to the majority of those in position to make a difference in your economic condition. What the hell you think somebody owe your ass something? Hell, the Government is passing out money in loans and grants like a man with his artery severed and all your ass want to do is get the money and buy cars, guns, and bling. GTFOH, ain’t no love here for that kind of thinking, I would not hire your sorry ass to mow my damn yard.

About us African Americans, we got to do better. Do you, the generation younger than 50, actually think we risk our lives for you to look like a fool, act like a fool, and waste your life like a fool? It is time for you to get a grip and realize what life is about, know what your responsibilities to society are, and what your responsibility as a sperm donor or absorber are. Walking around here making babies like it’s your job then walking away to do it all over again. Get a clue man, that is your blood. Your responsibility, and those responsibilities are far reaching. You might not be a rocket scientist, but be something, if it is nothing more than a handyman. Handymen start business and become successful business owners. You might not have prepared yourself in the first half of your life, but all is not lost, get off your ass and do something. Consider learning a trade or if you are astute enough go get a grant or loan, go back to school. This is the time to prepare yourself for the oncoming industrial buildup for the future, but you do not have forever to do it. The President is having hell getting Jobs Bills, farm Bills, infrastructure bills, or whatever it is passed to get the economy going, so get ready, the next building revolution is coming. Jobs of the future will be much different than they are today, or should I say today’s jobs will not give you the standard of living you desire. Do not be sagging and hanging and getting your record screwed up, use this time to better yourself.

Now, this group of misfits between the age of 25 and 35 you have proven to be a wasted rolled in the hay, how the hell the sperm that made you beat the other thousand is a total mystery to me, maybe you will come into your own before it is too damn late. The young women are selling blowjobs like it is a million dollar industry, while the deadbeat dads just wait fir you to get your money for they can buy big tires to go on their cars. What are you doing? You are entertainment on the court shows and the laughing stock on the “Baby Daddy Shows”. What is that all about? I’m mad at Zimmerman, but he was out there hunting a boogieman and woman that he felt if exterminated would make the world a lot better place for him and his chosen people to live. If they had gone for insanity I would have been less angry, but it is what it is.

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part V1

As the Indian wars period ended another issue start to weight heavily on the American conciseness, what to do about slavery?.  The slaves had become one of the major issues of debate and it was not going away peacefully.  America was ready to explode like a powder keg, all it needed was a spark.  That spark came when the States started to suffer from a massive overload of manpower and a lessening need of their services.  the cotton gin and tractors were the new slave for the American dream and Negros became an in necessary burden upon the farmer and landowners.  One thing had not changed though, the Caucasian remained as lazy and as entitled as he always had been so he again went to work at a new kind of slavery called share cropping and the minimum wage.  This idea would prosper as long as there was a vast population that were on the verge of collapse.  This under educated under paid population was housed in quarters which later were replaced by the ghettos of present day America.  There is a plan behind the provitization of this underclass, anything illegal can become profit in a population such as this and he who has the resources controls the masses in this group.  From here all types of crime are incubated here from drugs, black market sales, prostitution,  and the grandfather of them all gang activities. The African American would have become as ruthless as today’s youth many years ago if it was not their early teachings in Christianity.

From this background and strong Christian values came Rev. Martin Luther King, Rev Jesse Jackson, Reverend Joseph Lowery, and many more ministers and religious leaders to keep the movement going in a direction to avoid direct confrontation with the US Military.  For this group of Civil Rights leaders were walking a very dangerous line that could have very easily fallen victim to John Edgar Hoover’s and McCarty’s Communist Witch hunts.

late 50’s and 60’s was a time of turmoil in the US, as a matter of fact
it was America’s 2nd Civil War, only this time it was fought with a
mixture of weapons, guns, marching, water hoses, dogs, and the First

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part V

Attorney Thurgood Marshall led the civil rights case of Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
to a successful hearing at the Supreme Court of the United States in
1954. He became the court’s first African-American justice 13 years
later. The descendant of slaves, Marshall graduated from all-black Linv. Board of Education of Topeka
to a successful hearing at the Supreme Court of the United States in
1954. He became the court’s first African-American justice 13 years
later. The court’s first African-American justice 13 years later. The
descendant of slaves, Marshall graduated from all-black Lincoln
University in Pennsylvania in 1930, then received a law degree from
Howard University in 1933. He opened his own law practice in Baltimore
and became known as a lawyer who would speak up for the rights of
African-Americans; this led him to a job with the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1936. He spent more
than two decades with the NAACP, gaining his greatest fame for the case
of Brown v. Board of Education from 1952-54. When the Supreme Court
ruled in 1954 that "Separate educational facilities are inherently
unequal," Marshall and the NAACP won a great victory for civil rights.

Marshall was nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals (Second Circuit) in
1961, then appointed to the post of solicitor general in 1965 by
President Lyndon Johnson.
Marshall was appointed to the Supreme Court itself in 1967, where he
served for 24 years before he retired in 1991. Marshall, known as a
liberal throughout his tenure, was replaced on the court by
conservative African-American Clarence Thomas (appointed by President George H. W. Bush). Marshall died of heart failure two years later.

Extra credit:
Texas Southern University School of Law was renamed the Thurgood
Marshall School of Law in his honor in 1976… Marshall replaced Tom C.
Clark on the Supreme Court… Marshall was married twice: to the former
Vivian Burey (from 1929 until her death in 1955) and to Cecilia Suyat
(from 1955 until his death)… Marshall is buried in Arlington National

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part IV

Let, get back on track and take a look at why and who was in charge of the domestic policies in the US.  Let us look at a few of the Presidents during the last 200 years. First, who and what is a democrat and exactly what do democrats stand for?  I will start with John Quincy Adams the last of the true backers of America’s cast system till the present.  We must understand that the ideology and makeup of the Republican Party has changed drastically since Lincoln.  As a matter of fact what was then the Republican Party is now the Democratic Party.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican president (1861–1865)

The party was created in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act that would have allowed the expansion of slavery into Kansas. Their first official party meeting was held on July 6, 1854 in Jackson, Michigan.
Besides opposition to the expansion of slavery, the new party put
forward a progressive vision of modernizing the United States —
emphasizing higher education, banking, railroads, industry and cities,
while promising free homesteads to farmers. In this way, their economic
philosophy was similar to the Whig Party‘s. Its initial base was in the Northeast and Midwest. The Party nominated Abraham Lincoln and ascended to power in the election of 1860. The party fought for the Union in the American Civil War and presided over Reconstruction. In the election of 1864 a majority of Republicans united with pro-war Democrats to nominate Lincoln to the National Union Party ticket. A faction of Radical Republicans split with the party and formed the Radical Democracy Party. This group chose John C. Fremont as its presidential candidate, before reaching a political agreement and withdrawing from the election in September 1864.

The party’s success created factionalism within the party in the 1870s. Those disturbed by Ulysses S. Grant ran Horace Greeley for the presidency against him. The Stalwarts defended the spoils system; the Half-Breeds pushed for reform of the civil service. The GOP supported big business generally, hard money (i.e., the gold standard), high tariffs, and generous pensions for Union veterans, and the annexation of Hawaii. The Republicans supported the Protestants who demanded Prohibition.
As the Northern post-bellum economy boomed with heavy and light
industry, railroads, mines, fast-growing cities and prosperous
agriculture, the Republicans took credit and promoted policies to
sustain the fast growth. But by 1890, the Republicans had agreed to the
Sherman Antitrust Act and the Interstate Commerce Commission in response to complaints from owners of small businesses and farmers. The high McKinley Tariff of 1890 hurt the party and the Democrats swept to a landslide in the off-year elections, even defeating McKinley himself.

After the two terms of Democrat Grover Cleveland, the election of William McKinley in 1896 is widely seen as a resurgence of Republican dominance and is sometimes cited as a realigning election. McKinley promised that high tariffs would end the severe hardship caused by the Panic of 1893,
and that the GOP would guarantee a sort of pluralism in which all
groups would benefit. The Republicans were cemented as the party of
business, though mitigated by the succession of Theodore Roosevelt who embraced trust-busting. He later ran on a third party ticket of the Progressive Party and challenged his previous successor William Howard Taft. The party controlled the presidency throughout the 1920s, running on a platform of opposition to the League of Nations, high tariffs, and promotion of business interests. Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover were resoundingly elected in 1920, 1924, and 1928 respectively. The Teapot Dome scandal
threatened to hurt the party but Harding died and Coolidge blamed
everything on him, as the opposition splintered in 1924. The
pro-business policies of the decade seemed to produce an unprecedented
prosperity until the Wall Street Crash of 1929 heralded the Great Depression.

The New Deal coalition
of Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt controlled American politics for most
of the next three decades, excepting the two-term presidency of
Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower. African Americans
began moving toward favoring the Democratic Party during Roosevelt’s
time. After Roosevelt took office in 1933, New Deal legislation sailed
through Congress at lightning speed. In the 1934 midterm elections, 10
Republican senators went down to defeat, leaving them with only 25
against 71 Democrats. The House of Representatives was split in a
similar ratio. The "Second New Deal" was heavily criticized by the
Republicans in Congress, who likened it to class warfare and socialism.
The volume of legislation, and the inability of the Republicans to
block it, soon made the opposition to Roosevelt develop into
bitterness. Conservative Democrats, mostly from the South, joined with
Republicans led by Senator Robert Taft to create the conservative coalition, which dominated domestic issues in Congress until 1964.

The second half of the 20th century saw election of Republican presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush. The Republican Party, led by House Republican Minority Whip Newt Gingrich campaigning on a Contract with America, were elected to majorities to both houses of Congress in the Republican Revolution
of 1994. Their majorities were generally held until the Democrats
regained control in the mid-term election of 2006. In the 21st century
the Republican Party is defined by social conservatism, an aggressive foreign policy to defeat terrorism and promote global democracy, a more powerful executive branch, tax cuts, and deregulation and subsidization of industry.

Name and symbols

1874 Nast cartoon featuring the first notable appearance of the Republican elephant[3]

The party’s founding members chose the name "Republican Party" in the mid-1850s in part as an homage to Thomas Jefferson (it was the name initially used by his party).[4][5] The name echoed the 1776 republican values of civic virtue and opposition to aristocracy and corruption.[6] It is the second-oldest continuing political party in the United States.

The term "Grand Old Party" is a traditional nickname for the
Republican Party, and the initialism "G.O.P." (or "GOP") is a commonly
used designation. According to the Republican Party, the term "gallant
old party" was used in 1875.[7] According to the Oxford English Dictionary,
the first known reference to the Republican Party as the "grand old
party" came in 1876. The first use of the abbreviation GOP is dated
1884. Some media have stopped using the term GOP because they think
it’s confusing.[8]
More facetiously, the abbreviation is sometimes held to stand for
"God’s own party", in reference to the party’s modern-day constituency
of conservative evangelical Christians.[9] In 2008, the new Washington state top two primary had Republican candidates competing against GOP candidates in the same races.[10][11]

The traditional mascot of the party is the elephant. A political cartoon by Thomas Nast, published in Harper’s Weekly on November 7, 1874, is considered the first important use of the symbol.[12] In the early 20th century, the usual symbol of the Republican Party in Midwestern states such as Indiana and Ohio was the eagle, as opposed to the Democratic rooster. This symbol still appears on Indiana, New York[13], and West Virginia[14] ballots.

After the 2000 election,
the color red became associated with the GOP, although it has not been
officially adopted by the party. That election night, for the first
time, all of the major broadcast networks used the same color scheme
for the electoral map: states won by Republican nominee George W. Bush were colored red, and states won by Democratic nominee Al Gore
were colored blue. Although the assignment of colors to political
parties is unofficial and informal, they have come to be widely
recognized by the media and the public to represent the respective
political parties (see Political color and Red states and blue states for more details).

Lincoln Day, Reagan Day,
or Lincoln-Reagan Day, is the primary annual fundraising celebration
held by many state and county organizations of the Republican Party.
The events are named after Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan.


The Republican Party includes fiscal conservatives, social conservatives, neoconservatives, Moderates, and libertarians.

Economic policies

Republicans emphasize the role of free market
decision making in fostering economic prosperity. They support the idea
of individuals being economically responsible for their own actions and
decisions. They favor a laissez-faire free market, policies supporting business, economic liberalism, and fiscal conservatism but with higher spending on the military. A leading economic theory advocated by modern Republicans is supply-side economics. Some fiscal policies influenced by this theory were popularly known as "Reaganomics," a term popularized during the Presidential administrations of Ronald Reagan. This theory holds that reduced income tax rates increase GDP
growth and thereby generate the same or more revenue for the government
from the smaller tax on the extra growth. This belief is reflected, in
part, by the party’s long-term advocacy of tax cuts. Many Republicans
consider the income tax system to be inherently inefficient and oppose
graduated tax rates, which they believe are unfairly targeted at those
who create jobs and wealth. They believe private spending is usually
more efficient than government spending.

Most Republicans agree there should be a "safety net" to assist the
less fortunate; however, they tend to believe the private sector is
more effective in helping the poor than government is; as a result,
Republicans support giving government grants to faith-based and other
private charitable organizations to supplant welfare spending. Members
of the GOP also believe that limits on eligibility and benefits must be
in place to ensure the safety net is not abused. Republicans introduced
and strongly supported the welfare reform of 1996,
which was signed into law by Democratic President Clinton, and which
limited eligibility for welfare, successfully leading to many former
welfare recipients finding jobs.[15]

The party opposes a single-payer universal health care system, believing such a system constitutes socialized medicine and is in favor of a personal or employer-based system of insurance, supplemented by Medicare for the elderly and Medicaid, which covers approximately 40% of the poor.[16] The GOP has a mixed record of supporting the historically popular Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid
programs, all of which Republicans initially opposed. On the one hand,
congressional Republicans and the Bush administration supported a
reduction in Medicaid’s growth rate.[17]
On the other hand, congressional Republicans expanded Medicare,
supporting a new drug plan for seniors starting in 2006. Republicans
are generally opposed by labor union management and members, and have supported various legislation on the state and federal levels, including right to work legislation and the Taft-Hartley Act, which gives workers the right not to participate in unions, as opposed to a closed shop, which prohibits workers from choosing not to join unions in workplaces. Republicans generally oppose increases in the minimum wage,
believing that minimum wage increases hurt many businesses by forcing
them to cut jobs and services as well as raise the prices of goods to
compensate for the decrease in profit.

Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States, along with the Republican Party.
It is the oldest political party in continuous operation in the United
States and it is one of the oldest parties in the world. Today, the
party supports a liberal and/or center-left platform. [3][4][5]

The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. However, the modern Democratic party truly arose in the 1830s, with the election of Andrew Jackson. Since the division of the Republican Party in the election of 1912, it has gradually positioned itself to the left
of the Republican Party on economic and social issues. Until the period
following the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Democratic
Party was primarily a coalition of two parties divided by region.
Southern Democrats were typically given high conservative ratings by
the American Conservative Union while northern Democrats were typically given very low ratings. Southern Democrats were a core bloc of the bipartisan conservative coalition that lasted through the Reagan-era. The economically activist philosophy of Franklin D. Roosevelt, which has strongly influenced American liberalism,
has shaped much of the party’s economic agenda since 1932, and served
to tie the two regional factions of the party together until the late
1960s. In fact, Roosevelt’s New Deal coalition usually controlled the national government until the 1970s.

In 2004, it was the largest political party, with 72 million voters (42.6% of 169 million registered) claiming affiliation. By comparison the Republican Party has 55 million members. [6]
An August 2008 estimate claims that 51% of registered voters, including
independents, lean toward the Democratic Party and 38% lean toward the
Republican Party.[7] Since the 2008 general elections, the Democratic Party is the majority party for the 111th Congress; the party holds a majority in both the House of Representatives and the United States Senate. Democrats also hold a majority of state governorships and control a majority of state legislatures. Barack Obama, the current President of the United States, is the 16th Democrat to hold that office.


Composition of the Democratic base according to a 2005 Pew Research Center study.

Since the 1890s, the Democratic Party has favored "liberal" positions (the term "liberal" in this sense describes social liberalism, not classical liberalism). In recent exit polls, the Democratic Party has had broad appeal across all socio-ethno-economic demographics.[9][10][11]
The Democratic Party is currently the nation’s largest party. In 2004,
roughly 72 million (42.6 percent) Americans were registered Democrats,
compared to 55 million (32.5 percent) Republicans and 42 million (24.8
percent) independents.[6]

Historically, the party has favored farmers, laborers, labor unions,
and religious and ethnic minorities; it has opposed unregulated
business and finance, and favored progressive income taxes. In foreign
policy, internationalism (including interventionism) was a dominant
theme from 1913 to the mid-1960s. In the 1930s, the party began
advocating welfare spending programs targeted at the poor. The party
had a pro-business wing, typified by Al Smith, and a Southern conservative wing that shrank after President Lyndon B. Johnson supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The major influences for liberalism were labor unions (which peaked in the 1936–1952 era), and the African American wing, which has steadily grown since the 1960s. Since the 1970s, environmentalism has been a major new component.

In recent decades, the party has adopted a centrist economic and more socially progressive agenda, with the voter base having shifted considerably. Once dominated by unionized labor and the working class,
the Democratic base currently consists of well-educated and relatively
affluent liberals, the socially more conservative working class, middle
class moderates, the young, women, minorities, and LGBTS.[12] Today, Democrats advocate more social freedoms, affirmative action, balanced budget, and a free enterprise system tempered by government intervention (mixed economy). The economic policy adopted by the modern Democratic Party, including the former Clinton administration, may also be referred to as the "Third Way".[13] The party believes that government should play a role in alleviating poverty and social injustice, even if such requires a larger role for government and progressive taxation.

The Democratic Party, once dominant in the Southeastern United States, is now strongest in the Northeast (Mid-Atlantic and New England), Great Lakes region, and the Pacific Coast (including Hawaii). The Democrats are also strongest in major cities.

Voter Base


Opinions of liberals in a 2005 Pew Research Center study.

Social liberals,
also referred to as progressives or modern liberals, constitute roughly
half of the Democratic voter base. Liberals thereby form the largest
united typological demographic within the Democratic base. According to
the 2008 exit poll results, liberals constituted 22 percent of the
electorate, and 89 percent of American liberals favored the candidate
of the Democratic Party.[14]
While college-educated professionals were mostly Republican until the
1950s, they now compose perhaps the most vital component of the
Democratic Party.[15] A majority of liberals favor diplomacy over military action, stem cell research, the legalization of same-sex marriage, secular government, stricter gun control, and environmental protection laws as well as the preservation of abortion rights. Immigration and cultural diversity is deemed positive; liberals favor cultural pluralism,
a system in which immigrants retain their native culture in addition to
adopting their new culture. They tend to be divided on free trade
agreements and organizations such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Most liberals oppose increased military spending and the display of the Ten Commandments in public buildings.[12]

This ideological group differs from the traditional organized labor base. According to the Pew Research Center, a plurality of 41 percent resided in mass affluent
households and 49 percent were college graduates, the highest figure of
any typographical group. It was also the fastest growing typological
group between the late 1990s and early 2000s.[12] Liberals include most of academia[16] and large portion of the professional class.[9][10][11]

Many progressive Democrats are descendants of the New Left of Democratic presidential candidate Senator George McGovern of South Dakota; others were involved in the presidential candidacies of Vermont Governor Howard Dean and U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio; still others are disaffected former members of the Green Party.[citation needed] The Congressional Progressive Caucus
(CPC) is a caucus of progressive Democrats, and is the single largest
Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives. Its members have
included Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, John Conyers of Michigan, Jim McDermott of Washington, John Lewis of Georgia, Barbara Lee of California, the late Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, now a Senator.

Civil libertarians

See also: Libertarian Democrat

Civil libertarians also often support the Democratic Party because Democratic positions on such issues as civil rights and separation of church and state
are more closely aligned to their own than the positions of the
Republican Party, and because the Democratic economic agenda may be
more appealing to them than that of the Libertarian Party.[citation needed] They oppose gun control, the "War on Drugs," protectionism, corporate welfare, government debt, and an interventionist foreign policy. The Democratic Freedom Caucus is an organized group of this faction.


See also: Southern Democrats.

The Pew Research Center has stated that conservative Democrats represent 15% of registered voters and 14% of the general electorate.[12] In the House of Representatives, the Blue Dog Coalition, a caucus of fiscal and social conservatives and moderates, primarily southerners, forms part of the Democratic Party’s current faction of conservative Democrats.
They have acted as a unified voting bloc in the past, giving its forty
plus members some ability to change legislation and broker compromises
with the Republican Party‘s leadership. Historically, southern Democrats were generally much more ideologically conservative.
In 1972, the last year that a sizable number of conservatives dominated
the southern wing of the Democratic Party, the American Conservative
Union gave higher ratings to most southern Democratic Senators and
Congressmen than it did to Republicans. Today, Democrats are usually
classified as ‘conservatives’ on the basis of holding some socially conservative views to the right of the national party, even though their overall viewpoint is generally far more liberal than conservative Democrats of years past.


Though centrist
Democrats differ on a variety of issues, they typically foster a mix of
political views and ideas. Compared to other Democratic factions, they
tend to be more supportive of the use of military force, including the
war in Iraq, and are more willing to reduce government welfare, as
indicated by their support for welfare reform and tax cuts. One of the most influential factions is the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), a nonprofit organization that advocates centrist positions for the party. The DLC hails President Bill Clinton as proof of the viability of "Third Way" politicians and a DLC success story. Former Representative Harold Ford, Jr. of Tennessee is its current chairman.

Current structure and composition

Registered Democrats, Republicans and Independents in 2004.[6]

The Democratic National Committee
(DNC) is responsible for promoting Democratic campaign activities.
While the DNC is responsible for overseeing the process of writing the
Democratic Platform, the DNC is more focused on campaign and
organizational strategy than public policy. In presidential elections
it supervises the Democratic National Convention.
The national convention is, subject to the charter of the party, the
ultimate authority within the Democratic Party when it is in session,
with the DNC running the party’s organization at other times. The DNC
is currently chaired by Virginia Governor Tim Kaine.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) assists party candidates in House races; its current chairman (selected by the party caucus) is Rep. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland. Similarly the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) raises large sums for Senate races. It is currently headed by Senator Robert Menendez
of New Jersey. The Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee (DLCC),
currently chaired by Mike Gronstal of Iowa, is a smaller organization
with much less funding that focuses on state legislative races. The DNC
sponsors the College Democrats of America (CDA), a student-outreach organization with the goal of training and engaging a new generation of Democratic activists. Democrats Abroad
is the organization for Americans living outside the United States;
they work to advance the goals of the party and encourage Americans
living abroad to support the Democrats. The Young Democrats of America
(YDA) is a youth-led organization that attempts to draw in and mobilize
young people for Democratic candidates, but operates outside of the
DNC. In addition, the recently created branch of the Young Democrats,
the Young Democrats High School Caucus, attempts to raise awareness and
activism amongst teenagers to not only vote and volunteer, but
participate in the future as well.The Democratic Governors Association
(DGA) is an organization supporting the candidacies of Democratic
gubernatorial nominees and incumbents; it is currently chaired by
Governor Brian Schweitzer of Montana. Similarly the mayors of the largest cities and urban centres convene as the National Conference of Democratic Mayors.

Each state also has a state committee, made up of elected committee
members as well as ex-officio committee members (usually elected
officials and representatives of major constituencies), which in turn
elects a chair. County, town, city and ward committees generally are
composed of individuals elected at the local level. State and local
committees often coordinate campaign activities within their
jurisdiction, oversee local conventions and in some cases primaries or
caucuses, and may have a role in nominating candidates for elected
office under state law. Rarely do they have much funding, but in 2005
DNC Chairman Dean began a program (called the "50 State Strategy") of
using DNC national funds to assist all state parties and paying for
full-time professional staffers.[8]

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part III

Harriet Tubman, Frances Harper, Crispus Attucks, John Brown, Anna Weem, Denmark Vesey,
Frederick Douglass, (Antislavery Activist) great leaders were in the fore front of the fight
for freedom. Now the U S has to deal with the freed man, better known as the Black
Revolutionary, leaders like
Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X Martin Luther King, Huey Newton & The Black Panthers, Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr, Al Sharpton, Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan and The Nation of Islam. We must not forget another great group of martyrs in this war on equality , The S.L.A., Symbionese Liberation Army‘s
sacrifices for this historic day.

Then we must go to the individual
house holds, where there were sometimes a single mother that keep
telling the youngsters "you can make it if you try", when her dreams
had been dashed by the same country that her son’s and daughter’s
dreams were now connected to.

To the fathers that stood strong and
fulfilled their duties to the family and those that tried but failed,
but continued to be that positive force in their children’s life. To
the children that still hold on to the dream and seek knowledge as a
weapon for the destruction of walls that hold them back.

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part II

John Quincy Adams ~ Promotion of Slavery & Genocide of Indians Was In Full Effect

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adams served as the sixth President of the United States
from March 4, 1825, to March 3, 1829. He took the oath of office on a
book of laws, instead of the more traditional Bible, in order to
preserve the separation of church and state.[6][7]

Adams was elected a U.S. Representative from Massachusetts
after leaving office, the only president ever to do so, serving for the
last 17 years of his life. In the House he became a leading opponent of
the Slave Power and argued that if a civil war ever broke out the president could abolish slavery by using his war powers, which Abraham Lincoln partially did during the American Civil War in the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

Indian Reservation Controversy

The Indian Removal Policy was controversial from the start. Reservations were generally established by executive order.
In many cases, white settlers objected to the size of land parcels,
which were subsequently reduced. A report submitted to Congress in 1868
found widespread corruption among the federal Native American agencies
and generally poor conditions among the relocated tribes.

Many tribes ignored the relocation orders at first and were forced
onto their new limited land parcels. Enforcement of the policy required
the United States Army
to restrict the movements of various tribes. The pursuit of tribes in
order to force them back onto reservations led to a number of Native
American Wars. The most well known conflict was the Sioux War on the northern Great Plains, between 1876 and 1881, which included the Battle of Little Bighorn. Other famous wars in this regard included the Nez Perce War.

By the late 1870s, the policy established by President Grant was
regarded as a failure, primarily because it had resulted in some of the
bloodiest wars between Native Americans and the United States. By 1877,
President Rutherford B. Hayes
began phasing out the policy, and by 1882 all religious organizations
had relinquished their authority to the federal Indian agency.

Most Indian reservations, like the Laguna Indian reservation in New
Mexico (pictured 1943), are in the western United States, often in arid
regions unsuitable for agriculture.

In 1887, Congress undertook a significant change in reservation policy by the passage of the Dawes Act,
or General Allotment (Severalty) Act. The act ended the general policy
of granting land parcels to tribes as-a-whole by granting small parcels
of land to individual tribe members. In some cases, for example the Umatilla Indian Reservation,
after the individual parcels were granted out of reservation land, the
reservation area was reduced by giving the excess land to white
settlers. The individual allotment policy continued until 1934, when it
was terminated by the Indian Reorganization Act.

The Indian New Deal

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, also known as the Howard-Wheeler Act, was sometimes called the Indian New Deal.
It laid out new rights for Native Americans, reversed some of the
earlier privatization of their common holdings, and encouraged self-government
and land management by tribes. The act slowed the assignment of tribal
lands to individual members, and reduced the assignment of ‘extra’
holdings to nonmembers.

For the following twenty years, the U.S. government invested in
infrastructure, health care, and education on the reservations, and
over two million acres (8,000 km²) of land were returned to various
tribes. Within a decade of John Collier‘s
retirement (the initiator of the Indian New Deal) the government’s
position began to swing in the opposite direction. The new Indian
Commissioners Myers and Emmons introduced the idea of the "withdrawal
program" or "termination" which sought to end the government’s
responsibility and involvement with Indians and to force their
assimilation. The Indians would lose their lands but be compensated
(though those who lost their lands often weren’t). Though discontent
and social rejection killed the idea before it was fully implemented,
five tribes were terminated (Coushattas, Utes, Paiutes, Menominees and Klamaths)
and 114 groups in California lost their federal recognition as tribes.
Many individuals were also relocated to cities only to have a full
third of them return to their tribes in the decades following.

Domestic policies

During his term, he worked on developing the American System,
consisting of a high tariff to support internal improvements such as
road-building, and a national bank to encourage productive enterprise
and form a national currency. In his first annual message to Congress,
Adams presented an ambitious program for modernization that included
roads, canals, a national university, an astronomical observatory, and
other initiatives. The support for his proposals was limited, even from
his own party. His critics accused him of unseemly arrogance because of
his narrow victory. Most of his initiatives were opposed in Congress by
Jackson‘s supporters, who remained outraged over the 1824 election.

Nonetheless, some of his proposals were adopted, specifically the extension of the Cumberland Road into Ohio with surveys for its continuation west to St. Louis; the beginning of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, the construction of the Delaware and Chesapeake Canal and the Portland to Louisville Canal around the falls of the Ohio; the connection of the Great Lakes to the Ohio River system in Ohio and Indiana; and the enlargement and rebuilding of the Dismal Swamp Canal in North Carolina.

Another blow to Adams’ presidency was his generous policy toward Native
Americans. Settlers on the frontier, who were constantly seeking to
move westward, cried for a more expansionist policy. When the federal
government tried to assert authority on behalf of the Cherokees, the
governor of Georgia took up arms. It was a sign of nullification that
foreshadowed the secession of the Southern states during the Civil War.
Adams defended his domestic agenda as continuing Monroe’s policies. In
contrast, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren instigated the policy of
Indian removal to the west (i.e. the Trail of Tears).

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The Slave Power (sometimes referred to as the "Slaveocracy") was a term used in the Northern United States (primarily in the period 1840-1875) to characterize the political power of the slaveholding class in the South.




The problem posed by slavery, according to many Northern politicians, was not so much the mistreatment of slaves (a theme that abolitionists emphasized), but rather the political threat to American republicanism, especially as embraced in Northern free states. The Free Soil Party first raised this warning in 1848, arguing that the annexation of Texas as a slave state was a terrible mistake. The Free Soilers rhetoric was taken up by the Republican party as it emerged in 1854.

The Republicans also argued that slavery was economically
inefficient, compared to free labor, and was a deterrent to the
long-term modernization of America. Worse, said the Republicans, the
Slave Power, deeply entrenched in the "Solid South", was systematically seizing control of the White House, the Congress, and the Supreme Court. Senator and governor Salmon P. Chase of Ohio was an articulate enemy of the Slave Power, as was Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts.

House divided

In his celebrated "House Divided" speech of June 1858, Abraham Lincoln charged that Senator Stephen A. Douglas, President James Buchanan, his predecessor, Franklin Pierce, and Chief Justice Roger Taney were all part of a plot to nationalize slavery, as proven by the Supreme Court’s Dred Scott decision of 1857.

Other Republicans pointed to the violence in Kansas, the brutal assault on Senator Sumner, attacks upon the abolitionist press, and efforts to take over Cuba (Ostend Manifesto) as evidence that the Slave Power was violent, aggressive, and expansive.

The only solution, Republicans insisted, was a new commitment to
free labor, and a deliberate effort to stop any more territorial
expansion of slavery. Northern Democrats answered that it was all an
exaggeration and that the Republicans were paranoid. Their Southern
colleagues spoke of secession, arguing that the John Brown raid of 1859 proved that the Republicans were ready to attack their region and destroy their way of life.

In congratulating President-elect Lincoln in 1860, Salmon P. Chase
exclaimed, "The object of my wishes and labors for nineteen years is
accomplished in the overthrow of the Slave Power", adding that the way
was now clear "for the establishment of the policy of Freedom" —
something that would come only after four destructive years of Civil War.

The Slave Years Another Black Mark For America

It seems that as soon as the New Americans finished breaking the back of the Native American the new Christians brought in another group of humans to abuse.  These two categories of humans, American Indians and African slaves  lived a parallel life of abuse, but since the Native Americans were total failures as slaves they had to be disposed of, thus the African became much more of a commodity.

Receipt for $500.00 payment for slave, 1840. (US$10,300 adjusted for inflation as of 2007[update].)
"Recd of Judge S. Williams his notes for five hundred Dollars in full
payment for a negro man named Ned which negro I warrant to be sound and
well and I do bind myself by these presents to forever warrant and
defend the right and Title of the said negro to the said Williams his
heirs or assigns against the legal claims of all persons whatsoever.
Witness my hand and seal this day and year above written. Eliza Wallace

The first Africans were brought to Jamestown in 1619 by a Dutch slave
ship which was trying to get to the Spanish possessions further south
but got blown off course. The English colonists bought the human cargo
but did not make slaves of them, instead they made them indentured
servants. When they had served their indentures they were freed, given
land and tools and accepted as members of the colony just like any
English indentured servants. They were even permitted to vote. In 1619,
a Dutch ship arrived in Jamestown, Virginia. It picked up tobacco and
paid for it with 20 black African captives which the Dutch probably had
seized from a slave trader bound for the Spanish West Indies. By 1700,
enslaved blacks would comprise a majority of the work force in some of
the southern colonies. More Africans were brought to the colony and
sold but their indentures were gradually lengthened until they became
eventually life long (terms of 99 years for instance) and eventually
they were just enslaved outright.
Slavery in the United States began soon after English colonists first settled Virginia in 1607 and lasted until the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1865. Before the widespread establishment of chattel slavery, much labor was organized under a system of bonded labor known as indentured servitude.

The 17th century saw an increase in shipments with slaves arriving in the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. Irish immigrants brought slaves to Montserrat in 1651. And in 1655, slaves arrive in Belize.

Economics of slavery

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Slave ship diagram

The Red Slave States

The plantation economies of the New World were built on slave labor. Seventy percent of the slaves brought to the new world were used to produce sugar, the most labor-intensive crop. The rest were employed harvesting coffee, cotton, and tobacco, and in some cases in mining.
The West Indian colonies of the European powers were some of their most
important possessions, so they went to extremes to protect and retain
them. For example, at the end of the Seven Years’ War in 1763, France agreed to cede the vast territory of New France to the victors in exchange for keeping the minute Antillean island of Guadeloupe.

Slave trade profits have been the object of many fantasies. Returns
for the investors were not absurdly high (around 6% in France in the
18th century), but they were considerably higher than domestic
alternatives (in the same century, around 5%). Risks — maritime and
commercial — were important for individual voyages. Investors mitigated
it by buying small shares of many ships at the same time. In that way,
they were able to diversify a large part of the risk away. Between
voyages, ship shares could be freely sold and bought. All these made
the slave trade a very interesting investment.[59]

By far the most successful West Indian colonies in 1800 belonged to
the United Kingdom. After entering the sugar colony business late,
British naval supremacy and control over key islands such as Jamaica, Trinidad, the Leeward Islands and Barbados and the territory of British Guiana
gave it an important edge over all competitors; while many British did
not make gains, a handful of individuals made small fortunes. This
advantage was reinforced when France lost its most important colony, St. Dominigue (western Hispaniola, now Haiti), to a slave revolt in 1791[60]
and supported revolts against its rival Britain, after the 1793 French
revolution in the name of liberty. Before 1791, British sugar had to be
protected to compete against cheaper French sugar.

After 1791, the British islands produced the most sugar, and the
British people quickly became the largest consumers. West Indian sugar
became ubiquitous as an additive to Indian tea. Nevertheless, the
profits of the slave trade and of West Indian plantations amounted to less than 5% of the British economy at the time of the Industrial Revolution in the latter half of the 1700s.[61]


World population (in millions)[62]
Year 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999

World 791 978 1,262 1,650 2,521 5,978

Africa 106 107 111 133 221 767

Asia 502 635 809 947 1,402 3,634

Europe 163 203 276 408 547 729

Latin America and the Caribbean 16 24 38 74 167 511

Northern America 2 7 26 82 172 307

Oceania 2 2 2 6 13 30

World population (by percentage distribution)
Year 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 1999

World 100 100 100 100 100 100

Africa 13.4 10.9 8.8 8.1 8.8 12.8

Asia 63.5 64.9 64.1 57.4 55.6 60.8

Europe 20.6 20.8 21.9 24.7 21.7 12.2

Latin America and the Caribbean 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 6.6 8.5

Northern America 0.3 0.7 2.1 5.0 6.8 5.1

Oceania 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5

Historian Walter Rodney
has argued that at the start of the slave trade in the 16th century,
even though there was a technological gap between Europe and Africa, it
was not very substantial. Both continents were using Iron Age
technology. The major advantage that Europe had was in ship building.
During the period of slavery the populations of Europe and the Americas
grew exponentially while the population of Africa remained stagnant.
Rodney contended that the profits from slavery were used to fund
economic growth and technological advancement in Europe and the
Americas. Based on earlier theories by Eric Williams, he asserted that
the industrial revolution was at least in part funded by agricultural
profits from the Americas. He cited examples such as the invention of the steam engine by James Watt, which was funded by plantation owners from the Caribbean[63].

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Looking Back Before We Move Forward ~ Part I

Published Dec 01 2008

It is a great day in America, we have moved past our racist undercurrent
by majority vote and have elected the First African American President
of the free world and the world rejoices with us. For it is America
that sets the standard for all other countries to live by. Even though
we cannot scream at the top of our lungs "Free At Last, Free At Last,
Thank God Almighty, We are Free At Last", we move closer to that day.
Congratulations America…. It is time for you to Atone for those that
came before Obama.

So we look back before we look forward:

Embarkation of the Pilgrims

Pilgrims @ Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Colony (sometimes New Plymouth) was an
English colonial venture in North America from 1620 – 1691. The first
settlement was at New Plymouth, a location previously surveyed and
named by Captain John Smith. The settlement, which served as the capital of the colony, is today the modern town of Plymouth, Massachusetts. At its height, Plymouth Colony occupied most of the southeastern portion of the modern state of Massachusetts.

Statue of Massasoit @ Plymouth Rock

Founded by a group of separatists who later came to be known as the Pilgrims, Plymouth Colony was, along with Jamestown, Virginia,
one of the earliest colonies to be founded by the English in North
America and the first sizable permanent English settlement in the New England region. When the Pilgrims first arrived on the shores the Natives, hid and observed for many weeks.  They saw that the new comers were ill fit to make it in their new land.  At first the Chief contemplated letting all of them starve, or to just kill them since they were weak, sick, and starving.  Instead he instructed his Braves to kill food and to share corn and wild life with the strange settlers.  Aided by Squanto, a Native American, the colony was able to establish a treaty with Chief Massasoit which helped to ensure the colony’s success. 


The 1st Black Mark For America

From the first day the Pilgrims landed near the site of modern Provincetown on the tip of Cape Cod in November 1620 before moving to Plymouth, there were those that believed in the idea that all men were
created equal, and were given certain ineligible right by God that no
man could take away, then there were those rights that had to be
secured by law. The main reasons the Pilgrim left England,
were civil rights,  freedom of religion, and high taxation.  The Pilgrims were Puritans an offshoot of today’s Christians, a religious order that incorporated punishment and branding for transgressions.  An adulterous woman was branded with an "A" upon her forehead and men were shakled and whipped. From these humble beginnings great things were to come, but bad preceeded the good. 

The first thing that occurred was many settlers came to the new land, beating the Indian out of land by trading trinkets of shiny coins and tools.  When the Indian decided the trinkets were not enough the Pilgrims forced him to accept or die.  The Pilgrims now had the upper hand and the firearms.  One of the reason relations between the tribes and the Pilgrims had deterioated was the original settlers had either died or had been replaced in the power structure by the new Pilgrims.  These Pilgrims did not have the ties the orginal Pilgrims had since they did not go thru any of the hard times nor did they recall being saved by the good deeds of the Indians.  They knew only greed and thought of themselves as superior and beleived that God had spared them to rule over the savages or to rid the land of them all together.  Make no mistake all the atrocities were done in the name of Christanity and the belief that God had predestined them.  Al these beliefs and greed took the New
World in a different direction and some of the worst atrocities in history occurred.

Then after living in harmony for many years the Pilgrims declared war their
welcoming committee, the Native Americans. Some believe that one of the
first disputes was over food, women, and land. Others believe that as
disease began to kill the Indian, they decided to kill the new
comers and burn them to eradicated the diseases that were afflicted with.   The colony played a central role in King Philip’s War, one of the earliest and bloodiest of the Indian Wars.

King Philip’s War, sometimes called Metacom‘s War or Metacom’s Rebellion,[1] was an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day southern New England
and English colonists and their Native American allies from 1675–1676.
It continued in northern New England even after King Philip was killed,
(primarily in the Maine frontier), until a treaty was signed at Casco
Bay in April 1678.[2] According to a combined estimate of loss of life in Schultz and Tougias’ "King Philip’s War, The History and Legacy of America’s Forgotten Conflict" (based on sources from the Department of Defense, the Bureau of Census, and the work of Colonial historian Francis Jennings),
800 out of 52,000 English colonists (1 out of every 65) and 3,000 out
of 20,000 natives (3 out of every 20) lost their lives due to the war,
which makes it proportionately one of the bloodiest and costliest in
the history of America.

For a people that traveled half way around the know world, to practice
religions and other freedoms, they soon found it necessary to develop
means of producing income, and it’s fertile soil farming and the
production of agriculture products became the main exported to England
and throughout the known world. As the colonies become more dependent
on these crops, it becomes necessary to find cheap labor to mass
produce and harvest these crops. 

Slavery was not new to the landscape since Indians had slaves also.
It was a common practice to capture prisoners and make them their
servants, therefore slaves. There were a few white indentured servants
and share cropper in the colonies by now, but not nearly enough to
plant nor harvest the crops to fuel a new nation.

First, they turned to the Indian, but
the Indian proved to be very rebellious and were very susceptible to
all the germs and diseases that the white man carried, The Indian’s
immune system just was not strong enough.
European explorers and settlers brought infectious diseases to North America against which the Native Americans had no natural immunity. Chicken pox and measles, though common and rarely fatal among Europeans, often proved deadly to Native Americans. Smallpox proved particularly deadly to Native American populations.[19] Epidemics
often immediately followed European exploration and sometimes destroyed
entire village populations. While precise figures are difficult to
determine, some historians estimate that up to 80% of some Native populations died due to European diseases after first contact. [20] One theory of Columbian exchange suggests explorers from the Christopher Columbus expedition contracted syphilis
from indigenous peoples and carried it back to Europe, where it spread
widely. Other researchers believe that the disease existed in Europe
and Asia
before Columbus and his men returned from exposure to indigenous
peoples of the Americas, but that they brought back a more virulent
form. (See Syphilis.)

In 1618–1619, smallpox wiped out 90% of the Massachusetts Bay Native Americans.[21]
Historians believe Mohawk Native Americans were infected after contact
with children of Dutch traders in Albany in 1634. The disease swept
through Mohawk villages, reaching Native Americans at Lake Ontario in 1636, and the lands of the Iroquois by 1679, as it was carried by Mohawks and other Native Americans who traveled the trading routes.[22] The high rate of fatalities caused breakdowns in Native American societies and disrupted generational exchanges of culture.

Similarly, after initial direct contact with European explorers in the 1770s, smallpox rapidly killed at least 30% of Northwest Coast Native Americans. For the next 80 to 100 years, smallpox and other diseases devastated native populations in the region. Puget Sound
area populations once as high as 37,000 were reduced to only 9,000
survivors by the time settlers arrived en masse in the mid-19th century.[23]

Smallpox epidemics in 1780–1782 and 1837–1838 brought devastation and drastic depopulation among the Plains Indians.[24][25] By 1832, the federal government established a smallpox vaccination program for Native Americans (The Indian Vaccination Act of 1832). It was the first program created to address a health problem of American Indians.[26][27]

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This painting (circa 1872) by John Gast called American Progress, is an allegorical representation of Manifest Destiny. Here Columbia, intended as a personification of the United States,
leads civilization westward with American settlers, stringing telegraph
wire as she travels; she holds a school book. The different economic
activities of the pioneers are highlighted and, especially, the
changing forms of transportation. The Native Americans and wild animals

Manifest Destiny is the historical belief that the United States is destined and divinely ordained by God[1]
to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic
seaboard to the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes Manifest Destiny was
interpreted so widely as to include the eventual absorption of all
North America: Canada, Mexico, Cuba and Central America. Advocates of
Manifest Destiny believed that expansion was not only good, but that it
was obvious ("manifest") and certain ("destiny"). Originally a
political catch phrase of the 19th century, "Manifest Destiny"
eventually became a standard historical term, sometimes used as a
synonym for the expansion of the United States across the North
American continent which the belief inspired or was used to justify.

The Policy Of Genocide for Native Americans

The American policy of genocide of the Native Americans lasted from the 1670’s through 1865 and was supported by every president from George Washington through Abraham Lincoln.  After this the Indian was kept in horrible conditions on reservations on infertile land in a further effort to eradicate them.

The Little Big Horn Monument

The 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe was also once known as the Battle of the Wabash.

The Battle of the Wabash, also known as St. Clair’s Defeat and the Battle of Wabash River, was fought on November 4, 1791, in the Northwest Territory between the United States and the Western Confederacy of American Indians, as part of the Northwest Indian War. It was a major Native American victory, and remains the greatest loss to Native American forces by the United States Army in history.The American Indians were led by Little Turtle of the Miamis, Blue Jacket of the Shawnees, and Buckongahelas of the Delawares (Lenape),
who led his 480 men to join the 700 warriors of Little Turtle and Blue
Jacket. In comparison, the opposing force of about 1,000 Americans were
led by General Arthur St. Clair who had proved to be an able commander during the American Revolutionary War.
However, the Indian confederacy eventually was victorious. The battle
was the most severe defeat ever suffered by the United States at the
hands of American Indians; indeed, in proportional terms of losses to
strength it was the worst defeat that United States forces have ever
suffered in battle.

As a result, President George Washington forced St. Clair to resign his post, and Congress initiated its first investigation of the executive branch. Of the 1,000 troops that St. Clair led into battle, only 48 escaped unharmed.

Native American Nations west of the Mississippi were numerous and
were the last to submit to U.S. authority. Conflicts generally known as
"Indian Wars" broke out between American government and Native American societies. The Battle of Little Bighorn (1876) was one of the greatest Native American victories. Defeats included the Creek War of 1813-14, the Sioux Uprising of 1862, the Sand Creek Massacre (1864) and the Wounded Knee in 1890.[46] These conflicts were catalysts to the decline of dominant Native American culture.

The Indian [was thought]
as less than human and worthy only of extermination. We did shoot down
defenseless men, and women and children at places like Camp Grant, Sand
Creek, and Wounded Knee. We did feed strychnine to red warriors. We did
set whole villages of people out naked to freeze in the iron cold of
Montana winters. And we did confine thousands in what amounted to
concentration camps.

— Wellman- The Indian Wars of the West, 1934[47]

The Trail of Tears, painted by Robert Lindneux in 1942

In the nineteenth century, the incessant westward expansion of the United States
incrementally compelled large numbers of Native Americans to resettle
further west, often by force, almost always reluctantly. Native
Americans believed this forced relocation illegal, given the Hopewell Treaty of 1785. Under President Andrew Jackson, United States Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which authorized the President to conduct treaties to exchange Native American land east of the Mississippi River for lands west of the river. As many as 100,000 Native Americans relocated to the West as a result of this Indian Removal
policy. In theory, relocation was supposed to be voluntary and many
Native Americans did remain in the East. In practice, great pressure
was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties.

The most egregious violation of the stated intention of the removal policy took place under the Treaty of New Echota, which was signed by a dissident faction of Cherokees
but not the elected leadership. President Jackson rigidly enforced the
treaty, which resulted in the deaths of an estimated 4,000 Cherokees on
the Trail of Tears. About 17,000 Cherokees, along with approximately 2,000 enslaved blacks held by Cherokees, were removed from their homes.[48]

After the colonies revolted against the United Kingdom and established
the United States of America, the ideology of Manifest destiny became
integral to the American nationalist movement. In the late 18th
century, George Washington and Henry Knox conceived of the idea of "civilizing" Native Americans in preperation of American citizenship.[3][4][5][6][7] Assimilation, (whether voluntary as with the Choctaw,[8][9]
or forced) became a consistent policy through American administrations.
In the early decades of the 19th century, Native Americans of the
American Deep South
were removed from their homelands to accommodate American expansion. By
the American Civil War, many Native American nations had been relocated
west of the Mississippi River. Major Native American resistance took place in the form of "Indian Wars," which were frequent up until the 1890s.

Portrait of Native Americans from the Cherokee, Cheyenne, Choctaw,
Comanche, Iroquois, and Muscogee tribes in American attire. Photos
dates from 1868 to 1924.

Sitting Bull

Sitting Bull in 1885



c. 1831[1]
Grand River, South Dakota


December 15, 1890
Standing Rock Indian Reservation

Native name

Tȟatȟaŋka Iyotȟaŋka (born Hoka Psice)

Known for

Battle of Little Big Horn

Cause of death

Shot by US authority

Resting place

South Dakota


Light Hair
Four Robes
Scarlet Woman


One Bull (adopted son)
Crow Foot (son)
Many Horses (daughter)
Walks Looking (daughter)
(adopted daughter)


Jumping Bull (father)
Her-Holy-Door (mother)


Big Foot (half brother)
White Bull (nephew)


Reservation beginnings

See also: Indian removal

In 1851, the United States Congress passed the Indian Appropriations Act which authorized the creation of Indian reservations in modern day Oklahoma.
Relations between settlers and natives had grown increasingly worse as
the settlers encroached on territory and natural resources in the West.

By the late 1860’s, President Ulysses S. Grant
pursued a stated "Peace Policy" as a possible solution to the conflict.
The policy included a reorganization of the Indian Service, with the
goal of relocating various tribes from their ancestral homes to parcels
of lands established specifically for their inhabitation. The policy
called for the replacement of government officials by religious men,
nominated by churches, to oversee the Indian agencies on reservations
in order to teach Christianity to the native tribes. The Quakers
were especially active in this policy on reservations. The
"civilization" policy was aimed at eventually preparing the tribes for
citizenship.[citation needed]

Reservation treaties sometimes included stipend agreements, in which
the federal government would grant a certain amount of goods to a tribe
yearly. The implementation of the policy was erratic, however, and in
many cases the stipend goods were not delivered.[citation needed]

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The Last days Of My Man Georgie Boy

Say what you may, but this President carried a big stick, you did not get on his bad side.. ,He was what every Straight shooting Texan represents, "A boot that will kick your ass or turn your air off at the drop of a hat".  Texans do not wait for heroes, we are the hero when the ass kicking is at hand.  There are not many things that I agreed with during this administration, but as an American Citizen I can believe there were more things that I did agree with, than I will ever actually know.  One thing I can say about George W Bush, you did not have to wait long before you knew how he felt about anything and once that decision was made he did not waiver from it.  You  have to respect a man that stands by his decisions and is accountable for those decisions.  If he told you the sky was green and you looked up and it was blue, you might as well agree with him, because it was gonna be the color he said it was whether you liked it or not.  The other thing I liked about George was he tried to do things to help the American people, he just got distracted on the Iraq War and it drained the coffers.  You see, Texans do not like to lose, hell look at the way he stole the first election.  Another thing was he believed in the guillotine…by this I mean the Death Penalty not only as President, but as the Governor of Texas also.  Like any True Texan the cost of your transgressions is and always will be death.  Be it in the local criminal sector or the worldwide criminal sector, you shall surely die.  I liked that and will always admire him for it, you see too many people look for the most popular way out, not George.  He got the information on issues and was a decisive decision maker.

You might not have liked the decisions he made,but you damn sure were gonna have to learn to live with them.  For a details review of the issues President George W. Bush faced go to  It might seem that I am rewriting the history of our 43rd President, but we must  give him the respect he is due.  I cursed him many a day during his watch, but at the end of the day he was still my President.

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For other persons of the same name, see George Bush.

George W. Bush
George W. Bush

In office
January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009

Vice President

Dick Cheney

Preceded by

Bill Clinton

Succeeded by

Barack Obama

In office
January 17, 1995 – December 21, 2000


Bob Bullock (1995–1999)
Rick Perry (1999–2000)

Preceded by

Ann Richards

Succeeded by

Rick Perry


July 6, 1946 (1946-07-06) (age 62)
New Haven, Connecticut

Birth name

George Walker Bush



Political party



Laura Bush


Barbara Pierce Bush and Jenna Welch Hager


Dallas, Texas
Crawford, Texas

Alma mater

Yale University
Harvard Business School



(oil, baseball)


United Methodist[1][2]


George W. Bush's signature


Bush Presidential Library
Bush Presidential Center
The White House Archived

Military service


Texas Air National Guard
Alabama Air National Guard

Years of service



First Lieutenant

George Walker Bush (En-us-George Walker Bush.ogg /ˈdʒɔrdʒ ˈwɔːkɚ ˈbʊʃ/ (help·info); born July 6, 1946) served as the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009. He was the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000 before being sworn in as President on January 20, 2001.

Bush is the eldest son of 41st U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush. After graduating from Yale University, Bush worked in his family’s oil businesses. He married Laura Welch in 1977 and unsuccessfully ran for the United States House of Representatives shortly thereafter. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before defeating Ann Richards to become Governor of Texas in 1994. In a close and controversial election, Bush was elected President in 2000 as the Republican candidate, receiving a majority of the electoral votes, but losing the popular vote to then Vice President Al Gore.

Eight months into Bush’s first term as President, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks occurred, and Bush announced a global War on Terrorism, ordered an invasion of Afghanistan that same year and an invasion of Iraq
in 2003. In addition to national security issues, President Bush
promoted policies on the economy, health care, education and social
security reform. He signed into law broad tax cuts[3], the No Child Left Behind Act and Medicare prescription drug benefits for seniors. His tenure saw a national debate on immigration and social security.[4]

Bush successfully ran for re-election against Democratic Senator John Kerry in 2004, garnering 50.7% of the popular vote to his opponent’s 48.3%. After his re-election, Bush received increasingly heated criticism from some sources.[5][6][7] In 2005, the Bush administration dealt with widespread criticism over its handling of Hurricane Katrina. In December 2007, the United States entered the second-longest post-World War II recession,[8]
and his administration took more direct control of the economy,
enacting multiple economic stimulus packages. Though Bush was a popular
president for much of his first term,[9]
his popularity declined toward the end of his second term to a
near-record low. He holds the record for the highest ever approval
rating as well as one of the lowest ever of an American President.[10][11][12][13][14]



I am glad to see him go since I never wanted him to serve a 2nd term anyway.  Well to be totally honest I never wanted him to be President in the first place.
We have come to equate W as the epitome of stupidity, but have you ever just slowed down and thought this guy ran the free world for 8 years.  He ran it into a ditch, but he ran it just the same.  A man does not get to be the President of the United States being a total nincompoop.

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